Musk and "Grab them by the pussy" both have psychic disorders

why are the international leaders not addressing it?

Intellectuals all over the globe are amazed that americans reelected old "Grab them by the pussy".  

It is apparent, even for drop-outs of elementary school, that "Grab them by the pussy" is a compulsory liar( and musk likewise). Why does the american people choose liars to lead their country? Are they naive? Or is it based on the fact that their democratic system is very basic and favors only one of two possible outcomes - with old men at the end of the rope? Or both naive and basic? 

"Grab them by the pussy" talks to putin (russian dictator), and right away dances after putin's flute. Calling Zelensky a dictator and  claiming he has only 4% of the Ukrainian population is backing him.

Both evident lies. 

Much worse: idiot pussy-grabber is giving putin good cards in russian media: see, president of USA is calling Zelensky a dictator etc. He is an errand boy for putin. He is helping putin! Republican president - aiding russian dictator? Who would have thought that? Well for starters: most people in europe!! 

If a democrat leader was leaving a talk with putin with that - he would have been met by republicans with laughter and ridicule, that he was turned by putin, and was now a communist instrument!

Why don't republicans see that? Self-censored? Afraid? 

The list of lies from this compulsory liar is with no end.
It just goes on. 

International leaders are treading the waters carefully, not to provoke problems from the leader of USA. 

Eventually the world will have had enough of the power-abusing and populistic demagogues, even the naive  voters in the us cannot in the long end not come to realize it.

The level of argument of the us leaders pt is grade or less: like when Musk calls Andreas Mogensen (danish astronaut) "idiot" and "fully retarded".  Musk-version is factually a lie.

What is wrong with Musk and "Grab them by the pussy"? Could someone please diagnose them? Shouldn't be hard for a shrink!

Nobody seems to address them properly for what they are: not fit for the offices. Not fit for having authority or power! Psychically ill - not meant in a derogative way, alas, they ARE really psychiatrically ill!

when are the americans gonna grow up

- why are they so naive?

One of the very first things "Grab them by the pussy" did, was trying to make it possible for him to get elected again, for the third and even the fourth time. Really! 

And why? Because of the same reasons he gets along with putin. "Grab them by the pussy is a dictator-type himself. He wants to deport people who stand up against him, with opinions other than his own. What is that? Dictator-mentality!

It is easy do the math: when "Grab them by the pussy"'s reign is nearing it's end, he will have made so many international crises, that he will say: "ohh, I can't step down as President now, it would be disastrous for our wonderful country, only I can defend our glorious nation, the opposition would crush us, and sell us to the left-winged countries" etc etc.

That's why he looks up to putin. He wants what putin have. 

He wants to rule as a sovereign cecar, e king, an eternal president.

in other words: as a dictator!

well congrats to the hill-billies, the drop-outs, the white trash, the brown trash, the black trash, the mexi-trash and all the other trash that voted for this sack of shit, you got what you deserved!

This site has the following goals:

  • Inspiration for the development of real democracy in underdeveloped countries/populations, USA and Russia included!

  • Provocative and degrading portrayals of leaders of countries with backward minds, like Putin the rat, "Grab them by  the pussy", Erdogan the Turkey (squawk), Winnie the Pooh from China, and the Thai-boy-leader (IQ below ape-level).

  • Discussion of strategies for development of countries toward a system of society globally, where all individuals are safe from violence and oppression, economically sound with a high degree of welfare. Not Capitalistic, not communistic. But based on historical evidence, modern knowledge and common sense.

  • Discussion of to what degree the personal development in individuals is a barrier towards the goal mentioned directly above. In other words, give underdeveloped people a paradise society, and watch how quickly they will destroy it!?